Saturday, May 12, 2007

Four Eyes

Yep. I finally bit the bullet and took advantage of China's rock-bottom prices to get myself a pair of glasses.


I don't really need them, but its nice to see everything just that more clearly (wow! Trees have leaves!) I hope I don't get beat up at school on Monday.

By the way, I paid 218 RMB all up for glasses, lenses, and consultation. You can go here if you want to compare prices and find out how badly your local optometrist is fleecing you.


Anonymous said...

HAHA glasses.

You look like you should be wearing thoses funny sandals, pants made out of hemp and a shirt that has survived the 70's with only a few dodgy stains and a scar here and there (I know you own plenty)all whilst hugging a tree.
Get a hair cut and eat some pies god dammit, you look like your fading.

nb: The glasses are great!
from your favourite sister

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Ben said...

you better not be calling me a hippie. And believe me, when I get pack to NZ, pies will be had. Oh yes.

Anonymous said...

Now listen here Leon, that's my son you're calling a nerd, 3x I might add!! Once would've been enough!! Mind you, better to be a nerd than a head full of fluff (oh, that's right, you've grown your hair and you DO have a head full of fluff) but it's ALL good and I luv ya.

I rather like the bespectacled look, makes your eyes look gorgeous (not that they weren't to begin with xx)

Ben said...

thanks ma. that'll really help with the people calling me a nerd.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's the auntie. My God you look more and more like a Shaw!! Like the glasses, jealous of the price.