Monday, January 29, 2007

Ronald McDonald says: Explosives are Fun!

Well the Chinese New Year is rapidly approaching (Feb 18th I believe) so the red lanterns are starting to assemble and the markets are rife with kitschy things on the theme of pig.

Even everybody's favorite meat sandwich peddling clown* is not immune to the charms of the festive season

Pyro McDonald

Here's a few scenes from my recent trip to the Imperial Palace at Shenyang (basically a holiday home for the Qing Dynasty, which as you all know, puts it at about 400 years old)

Entrance hall front

Temple Detail




Main Hall


As usual, there's piles more. Get 'em here

So, despite the fact that the forces of fate seemed to be arraigned against me having a holiday, I'm off to Beijing tomorrow to see what I can make of it. Not sure where I'll go or what I'll do right now, but rest assured it will be blogged. oh yes.

*apologies if you in fact prefer some other meat sandwich peddling clown.


Anonymous said...

Thats singularly the best picture of Mr McDonald I have ever seen

Anonymous said...

Its amazing where you find some people Mr Shaw, You need a shave!.

Your old friend Alistair Tippett