Monday, April 16, 2007

Bargains - The Enemy of the People

From one of my students' textbooks:


To offer bargains is a commercial trick to make the poor poorer. When greedy fools fall for this trick, it serves them right. All the same, if bargains were prohibited by law, our standard of living would immediately rise by 7.39 percent.

The textbook didn't site a source for the rather precise standard of living increase.

I should also note that, at 45 RMB, the book was a little overpriced.

1 comment:

Jakk6886 said...

hey! just wondering if you could help me out, as i am looking at teaching english next year in China after my degree but i dont know which websites to trust in looking for a job. would you be able to help? Also, i am trying to get some kind of idea on how hard to language is to pick up, as many blogs dont seem to go into much depth! ANy information that you could give me would be greatly appreciated, my e mail address is
Thank you

p.s nice taste in music!!!