Wednesday, June 06, 2007

How much is that doggy on the menu?

MYTH: Chinese people will eat any kind of animal, flying, crawling, slithering or swimming, including dogs.

FACT: People from Guangdong province will eat any kind of animal, flying, crawling, slithering or swimming. And its mostly Korean people that like to dine on rover.

With this in mind, Andrew and I headed down the street to a nearby Korean restuarant, figuring that everybody would be disappointed if we didn't have at least one dog eating story to tell when we returned to the 'civilised' world.

In keeping with my theory that anything fried and appropriately spiced probably won't taste that bad, we skipped past the varied delights of dog skin, dog soup, cold dog salad, dog penis, and dog face, and went for a straight up stirfried dog with chilies.


The verdict? Not bad. kind of like slightly stringy beef I guess. The trick is not to think about this:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I can say Ben is "Chichi, Shima, Wicket, Buffy, Muffin, Guzzi and Angel".